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The Cloven Hoof is a legendary publication in the Satanic community dating back to the original Church of Satan. In it's new incarnation we accept submissions from all spectrums. Art, Literature, Nude Pinups, and Photography. We also make room to support the larger Satanic Community and STS members with commercial ad space. We publish four issues a year at regular intervals. Here you can find our guidelines for submitting your original work to be featured in an issue of The Cloven Hoof.  


All submissions must be done via email:

Please use the term "Cloven Hoof Submissions" in your email subject line.



Articles are the back bone of our publication. No magazine can function without great content. We want to hear from respected members of STS and the greater Satanic Community on things that are important to them. If you have an article that you think would make a great addition to our publication please send it to us. 


Submission Requirements 


All articles must be submitted via email in Microsoft .docx format.


Submissions must be between 3 to 5 pages in length.


Submissions should be proof read and edited for spelling and grammatical errors before sending them to us.


If there is any pictures to be published with the article please send them in the same email as your main article with citations and description of context.

Photography & Artwork

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Along with having well written articles, we must have some great imagery. If you are an artist or photographer, we want to hear from you. Art and Photography can be incorporated into any one of our articles to help enhance them or be used as part of our cover art. 


Submission Requirements 


All submissions must be your own work, or in the public domain with permission to use in specific articles.


There is no restrictions on the nature of the images so long as the context is appropriate. 


Sexually explicit images are permitted, however they may not be strictly pornographic and must have some form of blatant artistic context. Such as the art of Coop or the art of Calm. (If you have not heard of Calm please click this link.)


Art submissions may not be AI generated without explicit context to a direct article. We want genuine hand drawn works or photographs.


The subject matter should generally be whimsical, dark, or Satanic in nature. 

Tasteful nudity is allowed.

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Nude Centerfolds

The new Cloven Hoof features the classic time honored nude centerfold! This is not the trashy smut of a porno rag, but real art on display in the elegant curves of the female form. Ok so we do like a little tongue in cheek naughtiness too. 


All of our models are voluntary, and are under no contracts. This means that they are not paid for their submissions. While we could and might make arrangements for special photoshoots, we ask our models to generally just send in whatever they have laying around unused.


Guide lines for submissions are as thus.


All submissions must be of 10 or more photos.


Photos must of the model making submission.


Photos must be of the model in different stages of undress in kinky or naughty poses.


It is recommended that photos be of at least 2 to 3 different photo shoot scenes.


Please note that while Satanic style scenes are enjoyed, they are not required.


Pictures may be of Gothic fashion, Holidays, Occultism, Classic Horror, BDSM, or Cosplay. Setting locations are left up to the model and photographer.


All submissions are asked to be classy, and done in the classic pinup style.


While full nude images are asked for, and we do not shy away from showing genitals, and even penetration of certain objects at times, this is not a pornographic spread.


All picture no mater how graphic must first be artistic and tastefully done.



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Got a question that you are burning to ask? Do you need advice from an infernal standpoint? Or do you feel you need to vent on a frustration and need to hear some Diabolical Wisdom? Then write us! Ask your questions! Give us your Hate Mail if you want. If it's good enough we might feature it in the next issue and give it a good stabbing with a pitchfork.


Submission Guidelines


Please start your letter by telling us who you are writing. Use the classic opening of  "Dear name of priest or author"


Address your letter to one of the STS active members only. We cannot guarantee contact with other organizations in response to your letter. Popular choices are Lucifer LeGivorden, Kain Blackfyre. You can also name any one of our coven Heads or Grotto Masters.


In your email subject line put "Letters to the Devil"


All submissions must be done via email:

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  • Facebook
  • YouTube

All content is protected by copyright © 2020 - 2022 by LeGivorden and

may not be copied or reproduced without owners consent.

Website design by Lucifer LeGivorden.

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